In Sanskrit, Vaastumeans to build environment and a surrounding and Shastra means a perfect system or a by-laws. The word Vaastu came from the Vastva, means anything that provides shelter. Vaastu Shastra tells the methods for building any kind of shelter that have congenital environment due to the combined positive effects of the five elements called Panch Mahabhuta. Vaastu Shastra encompasses the techniques to decide directions, placement and positioning of various aspects related to building. If any shelter, be it home, commercial establishment or industrial premise, is built on the guidelines of Vaastu Shastra, if certainly bless the owner with health, wealth, prosperity and happiness.
The Vaidic social system and all its elements were based on logical reasons essentially required for the overall welfare of individual. This whole social structure was aimed at defining a proper system that creates synergy between cosmic energies and human shelter. In Vaidic times, the scholars were well-versed with advanced scientific applications known as subhavaastu. After proper permutations and combinations of various elements involved in building construction, suitable directions for everything related to building can be effectively drawn. Each guideline described in Vaastu Shastra is strongly backed by the scientific causes and vivid impacts of natural powers are also explained.
Though Vaastu science has been described by various scholars through different epics, yet the essence and logics are the same. According to the theory of Brihat Samhita, an imaginary person in the form of God called Vaastu Purush or Demi God who governs each house. Vaastu Purush is present in every human dwelling and is responsible for good or bad fortune. Therefore, Vaastu Purush should to be appeased for the betterment of house and its inhabitants. To appease him, sacred ceremonies should be followed. Therefore, the master of any house must always spare the body of the spirit in the course of construction through ignorance of the architects. If any of its several parts were rendered defective, the results for the master could be catastrophic.
Mandala means configuration, enclosure or network and it is particular to time, place, person and purpose. They are in the holistic tradition of Vedic science, Purusha and Mandala are associated with Vaastu.
In India, few cities have made praiseworthy progress whereas the others not. For example, Mumbai and Trombay for Bhabha Atomic Research Center have registered tremendous growth. Internationally, Japan has progressed a lot in spite of its small area. All these observations can be explained on the basis of Vaastu Shasta. Pacific Ocean lies on the northeast side of Japan. Again, south and west sides of Japan are also covered with water, which causes natural hazards like frequent earthquakes. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may even be the result of this situation. Although situated in east, Japan is titled towards the northeast. This is an important property of Vaastu Shastra.
There are different Granthas on Vaastu Shastra like Mansar, Vishwakarma Prakash, Samrangan Sutradhar, Vaastu-Ratnavali, Sthapatya Veda, etc. All these are based on the principle of cosmic energies. The scholars at Vaidic times wrote down texts that show influence of various celestial bodies on each other like sun, moon, planets and asteroids as well as light and heat on the earth. They also described about the various scientific and geographical factors such as atmosphere, wind, directions, gravitational forces, Electro magnetic field, etc.
Panch Mahabhutas greatly influences life on earth. They are as follows:
Space is most expanded in term of its spread and volume. The unending part of the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere in which all other planets and stars exist is known as space also referred as outer space.
Fire contains heat energy and is the basis of all energy including solar energy, earth’s inner energy, atomic energy, thermal energy and human energy.
Air is supposed to be life supporting for all living organism. Though very light in nature, it is considered heavier than sun.
Rain, river, seas and oceans all represent water. Water constitutes lives on earth and physical life is not possible without water.
Earth is said to be a part of sun and it provides space to the living and non-living organisms.
The Panch Mahabhutas is closely associated with man and the environment. Going against them would lead to destruction. For example, a place or premise is purchased just after considering the monetary aspect and without paying any attention to its usefulness or harmfulness. Therefore, it is good for future to consider the dimensions according to the principles of Vaastu Shastra. Indeed if the plot is purchased using the principles of Vaastu Shastra,Vaastu Yantra, House Vaastu, Vaastu Direction the all round growth definitely occurs and the owner gets peace and prosperity. However if the selection goes wrong, it may lead to health problems and financial losses. Mental peace is definitely assured if someone follows the principles of Vaastu Shastra.
Vaastu Science in Indian Tradition The importance and value of Vaastu science is well recognized by the people since Vaidic time. During Vaidic period, any construction including houses, temples, palaces and recreation halls were built on the ground of Vaastu Vidya. Old masons were well versed on fixing the number of girders or beams by the series like Indra, Yama and Raj, which never ended on Yama. Even today in Indian villages, owners prefer to have east facing premises. It was the general saying in Indian tradition that if a house receive the first morning sun rays, it is blessed with prosperity and all round growth.
In Vaidic system, all the days, dates & time are classified in Muhurtas that provides details about useful and useless impacts of times and periods. Muhurtas decides the time to start any auspicious occasion. As for example, Dev-Shayan period means the period or months when the Deities take their rest and willing to be calm and undisturbed. Therefore, this time is not advised to start digging of land or construction of buildings. The Muhurat have their own logics. For example, four months of rainy season are not very comfortable to start with a new construction related project work. In Muhurat, this four months period is thought to be the DEV SHAYAN period. The weather in this period also registers high humidity and heat. Again, only this season brings floods, muddy ways and water logging. The brick kilns are not operative during this period too.